drTarget portfolio target-disease associations for nervous system

OpenTargets offers > 40k target-disease associations from PChem targets suitable for virtual screening based in OpenTargets scores for nervous system diseases. See here the best scored pairs. 

 Target-disease associations for nervous system diseases.

Check best scored target-disease associations in table by selecting scores, genes or diseases:

Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ1 potassium channelsKCNQ13056103878epilepsy0.60111046689975232
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate/activate KCNQ1 potassium channelsKCNQ13056101082epilepsy0.60111046689975232
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405epilepsy0.6943884890289261078
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644epilepsy0.6943884890289261078
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567epilepsy0.700209149187544307
Inhibitors of Cav3 T-type Calcium Channels: Primary ScreenCACNA1H_inhibitors1047284230epilepsy0.7084893417860521893
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480epilepsy0.5677091689356814
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991stroke0.5399274832091287
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695stroke0.5399274832091287
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Agonist: qHTSD3_agonists4075392380stroke0.56382708878278412
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Antagonist: qHTSD3_antagonists3640519106stroke0.56382708878278412
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Potentiators: qHTSD3_PAMs4075392380stroke0.56382708878278412
HTS for Inhibition of CaV1.3 ICDI/IQ interaction using a live-cell FRET assay Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 7081-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityCACNA1D_inhibitors335531328stroke0.64620996942125532
HTS for Beta-2AR agonists via FAP methodADRB2_activators3392971446stroke0.62812047387491923
Thrombin 1536 HTSF2_modulation217233557stroke0.74581919533753529
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480stroke0.518283952562746
qHTS of TDP-43 InhibitorsTARDBP4037037150familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.91464415824384482
qHTS of TDP-43 Inhibitors: NCGC Sytravon Library ScreenTARDBP45163203familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.91464415824384482
Primary biochemical high-throughput screening assay to measure P97 ATPase inhibitionVCP217959923familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.699636907731946319
qHTS for Suppressors of FUS Proteinopathy: Primary screen using FUS-linked yeast assayFUS_asupressors385746932sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.892054957027048663
High-Throughput Screening for Modulators of Cytosolic Chaperonin ActivityMARVELD23622741085deafness0.737707430803668111
Primary Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening to Identify Agonists of the Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1P2)S1PR296879447deafness0.58194658957628724
Primary Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening to Identify Antagonists of the Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1P2)S1PR296879207deafness0.58194658957628724
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834peripheral neuropathy0.511377243461816809
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991peripheral neuropathy0.55466202959094219
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695peripheral neuropathy0.55466202959094219
qHTS of TDP-43 InhibitorsTARDBP4037037150motor neuron disease0.636159681085823613
qHTS of TDP-43 Inhibitors: NCGC Sytravon Library ScreenTARDBP45163203motor neuron disease0.636159681085823613
uHTS identification of small molecule antagonists of the kappa opioid receptor via a luminescent beta-arrestin assayOPRK1290355265pain0.667391208947941664
HTS of Estrogen Receptor- alpha Coactivator Binding inhibitorsESR1_inhibitors860951442pain0.50287423498474710
HTS of Estrogen Receptor- alpha Coactivator Binding PotentiatorsESR1_modulators860951151pain0.50287423498474710
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412pain0.60217608842813620
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991pain0.6693767375881584676
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695pain0.6693767375881584676
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567pain0.57559409374596911
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300pain0.58381986765669815
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779pain0.58381986765669815
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056pain0.58381986765669815
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862pain0.58381986765669815
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806pain0.58381986765669815
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178pain0.58381986765669815
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Agonist: qHTSD3_agonists4075392380pain0.56594816030731514
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Antagonist: qHTSD3_antagonists3640519106pain0.56594816030731514
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Potentiators: qHTSD3_PAMs4075392380pain0.56594816030731514
HTS for Inhibition of CaV1.3 ICDI/IQ interaction using a live-cell FRET assay Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 7081-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityCACNA1D_inhibitors335531328pain0.5208196434741886
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the human cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1 (CHRM1)CHRM1_agonists3592071189pain0.60828495738934418
Discovery of Novel Allosteric Modulators of the M1 Muscarinic Receptor: Agonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_activators636761938pain0.60828495738934418
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1).CHRM1_PAMs359207316pain0.60828495738934418
Discovery of novel allosteric modulators of the M1 muscarinic receptor: Antagonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_antagonists636562179pain0.60828495738934418
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify antagonists of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1)CHRM1_antgonists3592074555pain0.60828495738934418
HTS for Beta-2AR agonists via FAP methodADRB2_activators3392971446pain0.659538183102147110
Primary cell-based screen for identification of compounds that inhibit the two-pore domain potassium channel KCNK9KCNK9_blockers3056103794pain0.59321244985662810
Primary cell-based screen for identification of compounds that inhibit the two-pore domain potassium channel KCNK3KCNK33396742841pain0.59321244985662810
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617pain0.6750890807961791370
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480pain0.662857415411265216
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the Six1/Eya2 InteractionSIX13640532026hearing loss0.56334819853583593
High-Throughput Screening for Modulators of Cytosolic Chaperonin ActivityMARVELD23622741085hearing loss0.5464424357000675
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567partial epilepsy0.5929497193123039
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of the liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1; NR5A2)NR5A2363803458vital capacity0.51175169935396712
Fluorescence polarization-based primary biochemical high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the HTRA serine peptidase 1 (HTRA1)HTRA13434671710vital capacity0.6467744037271318
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991restless legs syndrome0.5165822222177239
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695restless legs syndrome0.5165822222177239
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300restless legs syndrome0.658301784622236117
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779restless legs syndrome0.658301784622236117
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056restless legs syndrome0.658301784622236117
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862restless legs syndrome0.658301784622236117
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806restless legs syndrome0.658301784622236117
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178restless legs syndrome0.658301784622236117
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Agonist: qHTSD3_agonists4075392380restless legs syndrome0.658022198908649108
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Antagonist: qHTSD3_antagonists3640519106restless legs syndrome0.658022198908649108
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Potentiators: qHTSD3_PAMs4075392380restless legs syndrome0.658022198908649108
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415smoking cessation0.64037880420575636
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480suicidal ideation0.57486456764216318
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480attempted suicide0.5560375727998656
qHTS Assay for Identification of Novel General AnestheticsFTL341499255movement disorder0.549353067496944104
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS4-Galphao.GNAO1218528711movement disorder0.51488537537363844
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS7-Galphao.GNAO1218528770movement disorder0.51488537537363844
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS8-Galphao.GNAO1218528750movement disorder0.51488537537363844
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412movement disorder0.60881585598679437
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300movement disorder0.653671582289342258
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779movement disorder0.653671582289342258
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056movement disorder0.653671582289342258
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862movement disorder0.653671582289342258
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806movement disorder0.653671582289342258
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178movement disorder0.653671582289342258
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Agonist: qHTSD3_agonists4075392380movement disorder0.64716521284668381
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Antagonist: qHTSD3_antagonists3640519106movement disorder0.64716521284668381
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Potentiators: qHTSD3_PAMs4075392380movement disorder0.64716521284668381
Primary HTS assay for 5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin) Receptor Subtype 1a (5HT1a) agonistsHTR1A64908366movement disorder0.55565551589019527
Primary HTS assay for 5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin) Receptor Subtype 1a (5HT1a) antagonistsHTR1A61606416movement disorder0.55565551589019527
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991alcohol drinking0.518283952562746
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695alcohol drinking0.518283952562746
qHTS Assay to Identify Small Molecule Activators of BRCA1 ExpressionBRCA1 activation3760293978neurodegenerative disease0.53488333832403990
qHTS Assay for Activators of Human Muscle isoform 2 Pyruvate KinasePKM263662892neurodegenerative disease0.5008189736867110
uHTS fluorescence polarization assay for the identification of translation initiation inhibitors (PABP)PABPC12909152982neurodegenerative disease0.5026631783671538
uHTS identification of microRNA-mediated mRNA deadenylation inhibitors by fluoresence polarization assayPABPC13592441307neurodegenerative disease0.5026631783671538
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HADH2 (Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase, Type II)HSD17B10720722464neurodegenerative disease0.60898732639362121
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HSD17B4, hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4HSD17B10739125649neurodegenerative disease0.60898732639362121
HTS using DiI-HDL to assay lipid transfer in ldlA[SR-BI] cells Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 2085-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivitySCARB13192043065neurodegenerative disease0.56401868485404911
HTS using DiI-HDL to assay lipid transfer in ldlA[SR-BI] cells Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 2085-01_Activator_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivitySCARB1316970306neurodegenerative disease0.56401868485404911
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405neurodegenerative disease0.59267262355701434
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644neurodegenerative disease0.59267262355701434
uHTS identification of small molecule inhibitors of the catalytic domain of the SUMO protease, SENP1 in a FRET assaySENP1363840774neurodegenerative disease0.5757033297893287
Fluorescence polarization to screen for inhibitors that disrupt the protein-protein interaction between Keap1 and Nrf2 Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2119-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityKEAP1336894489neurodegenerative disease0.58919005856986985
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the Steroid Receptor Coactivator 1 (SRC1; NCOA1)NCOA1359206428neurodegenerative disease0.5322262851833098
HTS Assay for Peg3 Promoter InhibitorsPPP1R15A3592446145neurodegenerative disease0.5114141466964089
uHTS Identification of Diaphorase Inhibitors and Chemcical Oxidizers: Counter Screen for Diaphorase-based Primary AssaysDiaphoraseInhibitors1941521342neurodegenerative disease0.53775873359951721
TRFRET-based biochemical primary high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the interaction of the Ras and Rab interactor 1 protein (Rin1) and the c-abl oncogene 1, non-receptor tyrosine kinase (Abl)ABL1_interaction3592071432neurodegenerative disease0.57732818916067245
Dicer-mediated maturation of pre-microRNADicer_inhibitors467152829neurodegenerative disease0.59524255799107521
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the Human Apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 (APE1)APEX1_inhibitors3458981172neurodegenerative disease0.50898641470337819
Primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of kruppel-like factor 5 (KLF5)KLF5290726671neurodegenerative disease0.5741912904100459
uHTS HTRF assay for identification of inhibitors of SUMOylationUBE2I2909151039neurodegenerative disease0.5157320948574198
EZH2/PRC2 methyltransferase inhibitors Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2125-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityEZH2_inhibitors57013201neurodegenerative disease0.58266551120425328
Luminescence-based primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to identify activators of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR)AHR_activators3247477988neurodegenerative disease0.55273172206266259
Epi Absorbance-based biochemical primary high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of human tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 (TDP2)TDP23699531241neurodegenerative disease0.67150295316059126
uHTS Luminescent assay for identification of inhibitors of Sentrin-specific protease 6 (SENP6)SENP63303925817neurodegenerative disease0.5544948173705669
HTS for Identification of VLA-4 Allosteric Modulators from MLPCN libraryITGA4326888645neurodegenerative disease0.5951246425019358
A screen for small molecule inhibitors of the human deubiquitinating enzyme, UCH37UCHL53307071075neurodegenerative disease0.59902912104860910
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of the liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1; NR5A2)NR5A2363803458neurodegenerative disease0.5383693870106139
uHTS Fluorescent assay for identification of activators of Apaf-1APAF1_activators3316711041neurodegenerative disease0.59910708114366229
uHTS Fluorescent assay for identification of inhibitors of Apaf-1APAF1_inhibitors3316712353neurodegenerative disease0.59910708114366229
qHTS of TDP-43 InhibitorsTARDBP4037037150neurodegenerative disease0.6422884143112772279
qHTS of TDP-43 Inhibitors: NCGC Sytravon Library ScreenTARDBP45163203neurodegenerative disease0.6422884143112772279
HTS for PAX8 inhibitors using PAX8 luciferase reporter gene assay in RMG-I cells Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 7054-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityPAX83539504145neurodegenerative disease0.55974683111345137
Primary biochemical fluorescence polarization-based high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1)PRMT13699534757neurodegenerative disease0.5025997836953896
HTS-Luminescent assay for inhibitors of ALR by detection of hydrogen peroxide production Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2036-02_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTSALR inhibitors28872810857neurodegenerative disease0.60872937470009514
HTS-Luminescent assay for inhibitors of ALR by detection of hydrogen peroxide production Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2036-02_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTSALR activators28872810857neurodegenerative disease0.60872937470009514
Screen for inhibitors of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex (esBAF) in mouse embryonic stem cells with Luciferase reporter assay Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 2141-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivitySMARCA43447337043neurodegenerative disease0.60102274947541113
uHTS identification of DNMT1 inhibitors in a Fluorescent Molecular Beacon assayDNMT13592442975neurodegenerative disease0.618369114146208709
Fluorescence polarization-based primary biochemical high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of tRNA 2'-phosphotransferase (TPT1).TPT13026632452neurodegenerative disease0.5830746119293839
qHTS assay for re-activators of p53 using a Luc reporterTP53321427201neurodegenerative disease0.652444219623287429
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54509528neurodegenerative disease0.652444219623287429
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54513338neurodegenerative disease0.652444219623287429
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1253941890neurodegenerative disease0.652444219623287429
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1240221156neurodegenerative disease0.652444219623287429
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors Targeting the Menin-MLL Interaction in MLL Related Leukemias: Competition With Texas Red Labeled MLL-derived Mutant PeptideMenin-MLL_inhibitors263421615neurodegenerative disease0.5628840796648899
Primary biochemical high-throughput screening assay for inhibitors of Rho kinase 2 (Rhok2)ROCK259788212neurodegenerative disease0.61184902423021521
Luminescence cell-based high throughput primary assay to identify inhibitors of TEAD-YAP interaction.YAP16394289218neurodegenerative disease0.60620559820927533
SSB-PriA antibiotic resistant target AlphaScreenKlebsiella pneumonia SSB-PriA interaction4312362568neurodegenerative disease0.6002371056450420
USP8 deubiquitinase inhibition: Primary qHTSUSP8474802010neurodegenerative disease0.62842872991118475
HTS Assay for Inhibitors of Akt Phophorylation: Primary ScreenAKT1_inhibitors3565171139neurodegenerative disease0.529943602416502353
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415neurodegenerative disease0.611164613433357317
Fluorescence polarization-based primary biochemical high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (MCL1) interactions with BIM-BH3 peptide.MCL13149982139neurodegenerative disease0.53924891097409213
uHTS of Mcl-1/Bid interaction inhibitorsMCL12186022129neurodegenerative disease0.53924891097409213
uHTS of Mcl-1/Noxa interaction inhibitorsMCL12173303334neurodegenerative disease0.53924891097409213
Inhibitors of CDC25B-CDK2/CyclinA interactionInhibitors of CDC25B-CDK2/CyclinA interaction93798679neurodegenerative disease0.59947430813830516
qHTS Assay for Identifying a Potential Treatment of Ataxia-TelangiectasiaATM_modulators322361619neurodegenerative disease0.5938164229644246952
qHTS for Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase (PI5P4K)PIP4K2A3288604078neurodegenerative disease0.5593032329960586
uHTS for Small Molecule Inhibitors of Eukaryotic Translation InitiationEIF4E_inhibition217332799neurodegenerative disease0.57954960649811110
Luminescence Cell-Based Primary HTS to Identify Inhibitors of A1 Apoptosis.BCL2L11_inhibitors325630216neurodegenerative disease0.56822699963224824
Identification of Novel Modulators of Cl- dependent Transport Process via HTS: Primary ScreenSLC12A51891324127generalised epilepsy0.726615041643907463
uHTS identification of compounds inhibiting the binding between the RUNX1 Runt domain and CBFb via a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay.RUNX1215667993neurodegenerative disease0.5112979190095625
uHTS identification of compounds inhibiting the binding between the RUNX1 Runt domain and CBFb-SMMHC via a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay.RUNX12182341620neurodegenerative disease0.5112979190095625
Absorbance-based primary biochemical high throughput screening assay to identify activators of procaspase-3procaspase3Activators326024350neurodegenerative disease0.59508041112244192
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify activators of the GAA850 frataxin (FXN) promoterFXN3561601985neurodegenerative disease0.701945822331272694
Primary biochemical high-throughput screening assay to measure P97 ATPase inhibitionVCP217959923neurodegenerative disease0.6905827301591461125
Primary qHTS assay for inhibitors of Glutamate pyruvate transaminase 2 (GPT2)GPT298912236neurodegenerative disease0.61481293806651623
Primary Cell-based High Throughput Screening Assay for Inhibitors of Wee1 DegradationWEE12179592616neurodegenerative disease0.56503549613581792
Fluorescence polarization assay for PLK1 inhibitorsPLK197099518neurodegenerative disease0.61129290526657118
qHTS for Inhibitors of PLK1-PDB (polo-like kinase 1 - polo-box domain): Primary ScreenPLK136406510181neurodegenerative disease0.61129290526657118
High Throughput Imaging Assay for Beta-CateninbetaCateninTranslocation193542587neurodegenerative disease0.58830614560583237
qHTS Assay for the Inhibitors of Human Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1).FEN1_inhibitors3862701331neurodegenerative disease0.54469332900165212
Primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to measure STAT3 activationSTAT31946661772neurodegenerative disease0.576017409602427101
Primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to measure STAT3 inhibitionSTAT31946661722neurodegenerative disease0.576017409602427101
uHTS identification of small molecule antagonists of the kappa opioid receptor via a luminescent beta-arrestin assayOPRK1290355265neuropathic pain0.52968610936122114
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991neuropathic pain0.65407384091895389
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695neuropathic pain0.65407384091895389
Allosteric Modulators of D1 Receptors: Primary ScreenD1577053413neurodegenerative disease0.54333540013182531
Allosteric Agonists of the Human D1 Dopamine Receptor: qHTSD1_activators3613303713neurodegenerative disease0.54333540013182531
Antagonist of Human D 1 Dopamine Receptor: qHTSD1_inhibitors35580511440neurodegenerative disease0.54333540013182531
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of COUP-TFII (NR2F2)NR2F23699532602neurodegenerative disease0.5963242445550111
HTS for Beta-2AR agonists via FAP methodADRB2_activators3392971446neurodegenerative disease0.54472800718858719
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay for inhibitors of the orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1 (DAX1; NR0B1): repression of SF-1 (NR5A1) activated StAR promoter by full-length DAX-1NR0B13689274094neurodegenerative disease0.53375838678944216
Luminescence-based primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1 (DAX1; NR0B1)NR0B13434683417neurodegenerative disease0.53375838678944216
Primary biochemical high-throughput screening assay for inhibitors of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK)PTK296879811neurodegenerative disease0.60823415091764823
HCS assay for microtubule stabilizersTUBB1958211625neurodegenerative disease0.6112882205776313
Alphascreen assay for small molecules abrogating mHTT-CaM InteractionHTT1898826790neurodegenerative disease0.6379271271638362712
Primary qHTS for Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Huntingtin Promoter ActivityHTT48068449neurodegenerative disease0.6379271271638362712
qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Aggregate Formation (GFP)HTT2205712380neurodegenerative disease0.6379271271638362712
qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Cytoprotection (ATP)HTT223611305neurodegenerative disease0.6379271271638362712
Primary biochemical high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of BCL2-related protein, long isoform (BCLXL).BCL2L1_modulators3149982199neurodegenerative disease0.58391645468961635
Fluorescence Cell-Free Homogeneous Primary HTS to Identify Inhibitors of Histone Deacetylase 3HDAC3318291483neurodegenerative disease0.58693183334530843
TRFRET-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of cell surface Prion Protein (PRPC)PRNP3699531596neurodegenerative disease0.6748929052657141044
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay to measure PERK inhibitionPERK_inhibitors217959370neurodegenerative disease0.537983171760528102
Counterscreen for inhibitors of PP5: fluorescence-based biochemical high throughput primary assay to identify inhibitors of Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1).PPP1CA3149992841neurodegenerative disease0.58832949805520915
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342neurodegenerative disease0.624690579486488367
AlphaScreen-based biochemical high throughput primary assay to identify inhibitors of Unc-51 Like Autophagy Activating Kinase 1 (ULK1).ULK130185575neurodegenerative disease0.60327857925623726
HTS identification of compounds activating phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) via a fluorescence intensity assay using a near- saturating concentration of mannose 6-phosphatMPI194152656neurodegenerative disease0.5863800592234038
HTS identification of compounds inhibiting phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) via a fluorescence intensity assay using a high concentration of mannose 6-phosphateMPI1941521288neurodegenerative disease0.5863800592234038
HTS identification of compounds inhibiting phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) via a fluorescence intensity assay.MPI194152814neurodegenerative disease0.5863800592234038
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617neuropathic pain0.60913432714543484
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480neuropathic pain0.60262817246508220
Primary qHTS assay for inhibitors of alpha-synuclein gene (SNCA) expressionSNCA140118236neuroticism measurement0.52997062057216414
qHTS of alpha-syn InhibitorsSNCA368791501neuroticism measurement0.52997062057216414
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300neuroticism measurement0.50641037504314523
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779neuroticism measurement0.50641037504314523
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056neuroticism measurement0.50641037504314523
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862neuroticism measurement0.50641037504314523
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806neuroticism measurement0.50641037504314523
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178neuroticism measurement0.50641037504314523
Primary screen for KDM5B Histone Demethylases FDH-coupled qHTSKDM5B2178195697cognitive function measurement0.51658622746294316
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567status epilepticus0.52008642056029311
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617neuralgia0.54271144381576717
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412spinal cord disease0.5805129167164999
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567neurodevelopmental disorder with seizures and non-epileptic hyperkinetic movements0.78571313839409892
Alphascreen assay for small molecules abrogating mHTT-CaM InteractionHTT1898826790Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome0.7327556725874441
Primary qHTS for Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Huntingtin Promoter ActivityHTT48068449Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome0.7327556725874441
qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Aggregate Formation (GFP)HTT2205712380Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome0.7327556725874441
qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Cytoprotection (ATP)HTT223611305Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome0.7327556725874441
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405Neurodevelopmental disorder0.569435323605255923
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644Neurodevelopmental disorder0.569435323605255923
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of BAZ2BBAZ2B_modulators35682615709Neurodevelopmental disorder0.58326294389258418
HTS for BAP1 Enzyme inhibitorsBAP1_inhibitors71016346Neurodevelopmental disorder0.6029212711144719
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991cancer pain0.64769073911911854
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695cancer pain0.64769073911911854
HTS for Inhibition of CaV1.3 ICDI/IQ interaction using a live-cell FRET assay Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 7081-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityCACNA1D_inhibitors335531328intracranial vasospasm0.5208196434741886
HTS for Beta-2AR agonists via FAP methodADRB2_activators3392971446low tension glaucoma0.5208196434741886
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412cerebral palsy0.5771683303952726
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the human cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1 (CHRM1)CHRM1_agonists3592071189cerebral palsy0.5695612576609256
Discovery of Novel Allosteric Modulators of the M1 Muscarinic Receptor: Agonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_activators636761938cerebral palsy0.5695612576609256
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1).CHRM1_PAMs359207316cerebral palsy0.5695612576609256
Discovery of novel allosteric modulators of the M1 muscarinic receptor: Antagonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_antagonists636562179cerebral palsy0.5695612576609256
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify antagonists of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1)CHRM1_antgonists3592074555cerebral palsy0.5695612576609256
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991diabetic neuropathy0.59175591599281428
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695diabetic neuropathy0.59175591599281428
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617diabetic neuropathy0.585020457202373
Primary Cell-based High Throughput Screening assay for activators of the Retinoic Acid Receptor-related orphan receptor A (RORA)RORA64908979Intellectual disability0.57938149081423214
Primary Cell-based High Throughput Screening assay for inhibitors of the Retinoic Acid Receptor-related orphan receptor A (RORA)RORA64908278Intellectual disability0.57938149081423214
uHTS fluorescence polarization assay for the identification of translation initiation inhibitors (PABP)PABPC12909152982Intellectual disability0.5225652909929286
uHTS identification of microRNA-mediated mRNA deadenylation inhibitors by fluoresence polarization assayPABPC13592441307Intellectual disability0.5225652909929286
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405Intellectual disability0.5355022361939642
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644Intellectual disability0.5355022361939642
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify activators of the function of SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 (SMARCA2, BRM)SMARCA23689273838Intellectual disability0.54871554506312550
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the ERK Signaling Pathway using a Homogeneous Screening AssayMAPK170898707Intellectual disability0.65812536542992217
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the ERK Signaling Pathway using a Homogeneous Screening Assay; Stimulation with EGFMAPK1131324544Intellectual disability0.65812536542992217
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415Intellectual disability0.5074424651991236
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567Intellectual disability0.5470217828924929
Dyrk1 A HTS Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2124-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityDYRK1A_inhibitors3100141321Intellectual disability0.607223771004651138
High Throughput Imaging Assay for Beta-CateninbetaCateninTranslocation193542587Intellectual disability0.67583833581525963
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342Intellectual disability0.53307020489020276
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ1 potassium channelsKCNQ13056103878Seizure0.5641517837165018
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate/activate KCNQ1 potassium channelsKCNQ13056101082Seizure0.5641517837165018
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405Seizure0.742012328791577104
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644Seizure0.742012328791577104
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567Seizure0.809233289945136281
Dyrk1 A HTS Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2124-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityDYRK1A_inhibitors3100141321Seizure0.54972973978967112
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS4-Galphao.GNAO1218528711Abnormality of the nervous system0.566476400857916112
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS7-Galphao.GNAO1218528770Abnormality of the nervous system0.566476400857916112
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS8-Galphao.GNAO1218528750Abnormality of the nervous system0.566476400857916112
Inhibitors of Cav3 T-type Calcium Channels: Primary ScreenCACNA1H_inhibitors1047284230Seizure0.50937337975166811
uHTS identification of small molecule antagonists of the kappa opioid receptor via a luminescent beta-arrestin assayOPRK1290355265Chronic pain0.64822536160771753
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991Chronic pain0.666248934967793527
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695Chronic pain0.666248934967793527
Fluorescence-based primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR).OXTR3247471043Chronic pain0.5240653278408438
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617Chronic pain0.58351003011627912
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480Chronic pain0.60925586655658215
uHTS identification of small molecule antagonists of the kappa opioid receptor via a luminescent beta-arrestin assayOPRK1290355265Back pain0.55212123380440821
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991Back pain0.64696476767924378
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695Back pain0.64696476767924378
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617Back pain0.66253324334001973
uHTS identification of small molecule antagonists of the kappa opioid receptor via a luminescent beta-arrestin assayOPRK1290355265Low back pain0.62086113739145342
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991Low back pain0.658909432708107138
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695Low back pain0.658909432708107138
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617Low back pain0.64707338501857835
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991Cognitive impairment0.50939691595506114
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695Cognitive impairment0.50939691595506114
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Cognitive impairment0.5419996505063931697
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Cognitive impairment0.5419996505063931697
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Cognitive impairment0.5419996505063931697
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415Cognitive impairment0.59152190496849179
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480Cognitive impairment0.54459598897146625
qHTS Assay for Identifying a Potential Treatment of Ataxia-TelangiectasiaATM_modulators322361619cerebellar ataxia0.51326655750749623
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the human cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1 (CHRM1)CHRM1_agonists3592071189amblyopia0.55509131735021212
Discovery of Novel Allosteric Modulators of the M1 Muscarinic Receptor: Agonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_activators636761938amblyopia0.55509131735021212
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1).CHRM1_PAMs359207316amblyopia0.55509131735021212
Discovery of novel allosteric modulators of the M1 muscarinic receptor: Antagonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_antagonists636562179amblyopia0.55509131735021212
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify antagonists of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1)CHRM1_antgonists3592074555amblyopia0.55509131735021212
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405Epileptic encephalopathy0.587761656536964194
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644Epileptic encephalopathy0.587761656536964194
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS4-Galphao.GNAO1218528711Epileptic encephalopathy0.72101484209534471
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS7-Galphao.GNAO1218528770Epileptic encephalopathy0.72101484209534471
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS8-Galphao.GNAO1218528750Epileptic encephalopathy0.72101484209534471
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412Parkinson disease0.63619852521241678
qHTS assay for re-activators of p53 using a Luc reporterTP53321427201Parkinson disease0.511918072179894141
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54509528Parkinson disease0.511918072179894141
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54513338Parkinson disease0.511918072179894141
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1253941890Parkinson disease0.511918072179894141
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1240221156Parkinson disease0.511918072179894141
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415Parkinson disease0.6134782963232051196
Primary qHTS assay for inhibitors of alpha-synuclein gene (SNCA) expressionSNCA140118236Parkinson disease0.8281710491976436136
qHTS of alpha-syn InhibitorsSNCA368791501Parkinson disease0.8281710491976436136
Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (HTRF) AssayCACNA1B_modulators292323567Parkinson disease0.51794867787555911
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300Parkinson disease0.685174950061005842
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779Parkinson disease0.685174950061005842
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056Parkinson disease0.685174950061005842
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862Parkinson disease0.685174950061005842
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806Parkinson disease0.685174950061005842
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178Parkinson disease0.685174950061005842
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Agonist: qHTSD3_agonists4075392380Parkinson disease0.670877516160389746
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Antagonist: qHTSD3_antagonists3640519106Parkinson disease0.670877516160389746
qHTS of D3 Dopamine Receptor Potentiators: qHTSD3_PAMs4075392380Parkinson disease0.670877516160389746
Fluorescence polarization assay for PLK1 inhibitorsPLK197099518Parkinson disease0.5778783238504789
qHTS for Inhibitors of PLK1-PDB (polo-like kinase 1 - polo-box domain): Primary ScreenPLK136406510181Parkinson disease0.5778783238504789
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the human cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1 (CHRM1)CHRM1_agonists3592071189Parkinson disease0.730757536945714165
Discovery of Novel Allosteric Modulators of the M1 Muscarinic Receptor: Agonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_activators636761938Parkinson disease0.730757536945714165
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1).CHRM1_PAMs359207316Parkinson disease0.730757536945714165
Discovery of novel allosteric modulators of the M1 muscarinic receptor: Antagonist Primary ScreenCHRM1_allosteric_antagonists636562179Parkinson disease0.730757536945714165
Fluorescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify antagonists of the human M1 muscarinic receptor (CHRM1)CHRM1_antgonists3592074555Parkinson disease0.730757536945714165
GlucocerebrosidaseGBA148118549Parkinson disease0.8128181972735961199
Allosteric Modulators of D1 Receptors: Primary ScreenD1577053413Parkinson disease0.644792569331339158
Allosteric Agonists of the Human D1 Dopamine Receptor: qHTSD1_activators3613303713Parkinson disease0.644792569331339158
Antagonist of Human D 1 Dopamine Receptor: qHTSD1_inhibitors35580511440Parkinson disease0.644792569331339158
qHTS for Inhibitors of Tau Fibril Formation, Fluorescence PolarizationMAPT2714021048Parkinson disease0.620301828596441115
qHTS for Inhibitors of Tau Fibril Formation, Thioflavin T BindingMAPT2674125703Parkinson disease0.620301828596441115
qHTS Assay for Tau Filament BindingMAPT696681391Parkinson disease0.620301828596441115
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480Parkinson disease0.662457377099708142
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342Parkinson disease0.512498148428698185
uHTS identification of small molecule antagonists of the kappa opioid receptor via a luminescent beta-arrestin assayOPRK1290355265migraine disorder0.66291607724625883
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412migraine disorder0.52531790271060373
QFRET-based biochemical primary high throughput screening assay to identify exosite inhibitors of ADAM10.ADAM10_inhibitors3699532294Alzheimer disease0.51111961433105817
qHTS assay for re-activators of p53 using a Luc reporterTP53321427201Alzheimer disease0.51177377160947412
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54509528Alzheimer disease0.51177377160947412
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54513338Alzheimer disease0.51177377160947412
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1253941890Alzheimer disease0.51177377160947412
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1240221156Alzheimer disease0.51177377160947412
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Alzheimer disease0.8617710763363281120
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Alzheimer disease0.8617710763363281120
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Alzheimer disease0.8617710763363281120
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415Alzheimer disease0.59682794980131714
Fluorescence polarization assay for PLK1 inhibitorsPLK197099518Alzheimer disease0.5771683303952726
qHTS for Inhibitors of PLK1-PDB (polo-like kinase 1 - polo-box domain): Primary ScreenPLK136406510181Alzheimer disease0.5771683303952726
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239991migraine disorder0.66449893564048795
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify inverse agonists of heterodimerization of the mu 1 (OPRM1) and delta 1 (OPRD1) opioid receptorsOPRM1335239695migraine disorder0.66449893564048795
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300migraine disorder0.656348969587944101
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779migraine disorder0.656348969587944101
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056migraine disorder0.656348969587944101
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862migraine disorder0.656348969587944101
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806migraine disorder0.656348969587944101
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178migraine disorder0.656348969587944101
HTS for Beta-2AR agonists via FAP methodADRB2_activators3392971446migraine disorder0.66863024609379163
HTS Assay for Compounds that Act as Agonists of the Vanilloid Receptor 1TRPV1316642617migraine disorder0.687070847503308335
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480Alzheimer disease0.65791325102390881
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342Alzheimer disease0.5099781561105726
qHTS for Suppressors of FUS Proteinopathy: Primary screen using FUS-linked yeast assayFUS_asupressors385746932amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.820983415810258893
qHTS of TDP-43 InhibitorsTARDBP4037037150amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.824971871393985552
qHTS of TDP-43 Inhibitors: NCGC Sytravon Library ScreenTARDBP45163203amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.824971871393985552
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A (HTR2A)HTR2A3638032412anorexia nervosa0.55704866897941332
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AgonistsD2_agonists359518300anorexia nervosa0.62771678769447723
HTS Assay for Allosteric Agonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AgonistsD2_agonists3356521779anorexia nervosa0.62771678769447723
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: AntagonistsD2_antagonists3622741056anorexia nervosa0.62771678769447723
HTS Assay for Allosteric Antagonists of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for AntagonistsD2_antagonists3363086862anorexia nervosa0.62771678769447723
Beta-Arrestin HTS for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: PotentiatorsD2_PAMs357537806anorexia nervosa0.62771678769447723
HTS Assay for Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Human D2 Dopamine Receptor: Primary Screen for PotentiatorsD2_PAMs3398871178anorexia nervosa0.62771678769447723
Primary biochemical high-throughput screening assay to measure P97 ATPase inhibitionVCP217959923amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.8270615329981821066
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A0.900951611526078408
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1E0.86107937575766669
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Alzheimer disease type 10.86348922924041490
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Alzheimer disease type 10.86348922924041490
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Alzheimer disease type 10.86348922924041490
Alphascreen assay for small molecules abrogating mHTT-CaM InteractionHTT1898826790Huntington disease0.7310244415382177266
Primary qHTS for Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Huntingtin Promoter ActivityHTT48068449Huntington disease0.7310244415382177266
qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Aggregate Formation (GFP)HTT2205712380Huntington disease0.7310244415382177266
qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Cytoprotection (ATP)HTT223611305Huntington disease0.7310244415382177266
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 30.851523859619184102
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies0.858608783470146360
qHTS Assay for Identifying a Potential Treatment of Ataxia-TelangiectasiaATM_modulators322361619ataxia telangiectasia0.92972110875877619098
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay for inhibitors of the orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1 (DAX1; NR0B1): repression of SF-1 (NR5A1) activated StAR promoter by full-length DAX-1NR0B13689274094X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita0.895131822908991639
Luminescence-based primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1 (DAX1; NR0B1)NR0B13434683417X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita0.895131822908991639
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HADH2 (Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase, Type II)HSD17B10720722464HSD10 mitochondrial disease0.9102692133180181
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of HSD17B4, hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4HSD17B10739125649HSD10 mitochondrial disease0.9102692133180181
qHTS assay for re-activators of p53 using a Luc reporterTP53321427201choroid plexus papilloma0.55589005081053214
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54509528choroid plexus papilloma0.55589005081053214
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53 Null Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations54513338choroid plexus papilloma0.55589005081053214
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Nonpermissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1253941890choroid plexus papilloma0.55589005081053214
qHTS Screen for Compounds that Selectively Target Cancer Cells with p53 Mutations: Cytotoxicity of p53ts Cells at the Permissive TemperaturenonSmallCellLungCarcinomaWithP53Mutations1240221156choroid plexus papilloma0.55589005081053214
Inhibitors of Cav3 T-type Calcium Channels: Primary ScreenCACNA1H_inhibitors1047284230childhood absence epilepsy0.555369110677203980
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, 10.5143395444782646
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, 10.5143395444782646
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342isolated focal cortical dysplasia type II0.901441338803717153
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415parkinsonism-dystonia, infantile0.809677753063431616
Modulation of AMPAR-stargazin complexesAMPAStargazinComplexModulators404731400intellectual disability, autosomal dominant 100.53991698165384314
Primary biochemical high-throughput screening assay to measure P97 ATPase inhibitionVCP217959923frontotemporal dementia and/or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 60.823020002027243783
QFRET-based biochemical primary high throughput screening assay to identify exosite inhibitors of ADAM10.ADAM10_inhibitors3699532294Alzheimer disease 180.64096631372732212
qHTS Assay for Identifying the Cell-Membrane Permeable IMPase Inhibitors: Potentiation with LithiumIMPA1205582727intellectual disability, autosomal recessive 590.57239086332335512
Luminescence-based cell-based high throughput primary screening assay to identify agonists of nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3 (NR2E3)NR2E33620261281Joubert syndrome and related disorders0.56462892071066736
TR-FRET-based primary biochemical high throughput screening assay to identify agonists of nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3 (NR2E3).NR2E3314998380Joubert syndrome and related disorders0.56462892071066736
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease0.714642276410934828
Identification of Novel Modulators of Cl- dependent Transport Process via HTS: Primary ScreenSLC12A51891324127malignant migrating partial seizures of infancy0.7193470832443861206
qHTS for Suppressors of FUS Proteinopathy: Primary screen using FUS-linked yeast assayFUS_asupressors385746932juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis0.57317070403396630
Luminescence-based cell-based primary high throughput screening assay for inhibitors of the orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1 (DAX1; NR0B1): repression of SF-1 (NR5A1) activated StAR promoter by full-length DAX-1NR0B13689274094alternating hemiplegia of childhood0.637739119574785216
Luminescence-based primary cell-based high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 1 (DAX1; NR0B1)NR0B13434683417alternating hemiplegia of childhood0.637739119574785216
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405infantile epileptic-dyskinetic encephalopathy0.5143395444782646
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644infantile epileptic-dyskinetic encephalopathy0.5143395444782646
qHTS Assay for Identifying a Potential Treatment of Ataxia-TelangiectasiaATM_modulators322361619ataxia - telangiectasia variant0.5441592695969019
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342cerebral cortical dysplasia0.508992815545776120
uHTS identification of small molecule inhibitors of Csn-mediated Deneddylation of Cullin-Ring Ligases, vis a fluorescence polarization assayCOPS53638401401Joubert syndrome0.53231831437968874
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 10.721305340964187609
High-Throughput Screening for Modulators of Cytosolic Chaperonin ActivityMARVELD23622741085nonsyndromic genetic hearing loss0.52061179255717238
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the Six1/Eya2 InteractionSIX13640532026autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss0.737234129322474225
uHTS Luminescent assay for identification of inhibitors of NALP3 in yeastNLRP33303921295autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss0.558404046933777123
High-Throughput Screening for Modulators of Cytosolic Chaperonin ActivityMARVELD23622741085hearing loss, autosomal recessive0.704448220309956103
Primary Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening to Identify Agonists of the Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1P2)S1PR296879447hearing loss, autosomal recessive0.57495770044975211
Primary Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening to Identify Antagonists of the Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1P2)S1PR296879207hearing loss, autosomal recessive0.57495770044975211
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Dutch type0.67893155458866312
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Dutch type0.67893155458866312
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Dutch type0.67893155458866312
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.7528199520832542611
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.7528199520832542611
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS4-Galphao.GNAO1218528711developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.773169282096942596
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS7-Galphao.GNAO1218528770developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.773169282096942596
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS8-Galphao.GNAO1218528750developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.773169282096942596
qHTS for Inhibitors of Glutaminase (GLS)GLS405291844developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.54903796190999311
Identification of Novel Modulators of Cl- dependent Transport Process via HTS: Primary ScreenSLC12A51891324127developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.6244271926595211214
HTS for 14-3-3 protein interaction modulatorsYWHAG157962312developmental and epileptic encephalopathy0.5785313475926633
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415brain injury0.56112022436014712
uHTS identification of small molecule modulators of NR3AGRIN3A3397728480brain injury0.59568680453438517
HTS for Beta-2AR agonists via FAP methodADRB2_activators3392971446brain injury0.59491058972975715
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS4-Galphao.GNAO1218528711neurodevelopmental disorder with involuntary movements0.87797900995646590
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS7-Galphao.GNAO1218528770neurodevelopmental disorder with involuntary movements0.87797900995646590
Multiplexed high-throughput screen for small molecule regulators of RGS family protein interactions, specifically RGS8-Galphao.GNAO1218528750neurodevelopmental disorder with involuntary movements0.87797900995646590
Acumen qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway in MEF (Tsc2-/-, p53-/-) Cells: SytravonMTOR43989342overgrowth syndrome and/or cerebral malformations due to abnormalities in MTOR pathway genes0.786905869129326133
Primary Cell-based High Throughput Screening assay for activators of the Retinoic Acid Receptor-related orphan receptor A (RORA)RORA64908979intellectual developmental disorder with or without epilepsy or cerebellar ataxia0.815362549629963102
Primary Cell-based High Throughput Screening assay for inhibitors of the Retinoic Acid Receptor-related orphan receptor A (RORA)RORA64908278intellectual developmental disorder with or without epilepsy or cerebellar ataxia0.815362549629963102
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405complex neurodevelopmental disorder0.540500710871587898
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644complex neurodevelopmental disorder0.540500710871587898
Dyrk1 A HTS Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2124-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityDYRK1A_inhibitors3100141321complex neurodevelopmental disorder0.696313309749674190
High Throughput Screening for Cocaine Antagonists: Primary ScreenSLC6A31082861415Infantile dystonia-parkinsonism0.751026462125741122
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis0.76131486952421439
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis0.76131486952421439
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis0.76131486952421439
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Dejerine-Sottas syndrome0.890154648768819101
Cell-based coincidence reporter assay to measure PMP22 gene transcription in S16 Pmp22-F2sN cells - Primary screenPMP2242576834Roussy-Lévy syndrome0.5920517860510542
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that inhibit KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056093405Spasticity - intellectual disability - X-linked epilepsy0.5143395444782646
Primary cell-based high-throughput screening assay for identification of compounds that potentiate KCNQ2 potassium channelsKCNQ23056001644Spasticity - intellectual disability - X-linked epilepsy0.5143395444782646
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Piedmont type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Piedmont type0.6785959668532228
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Piedmont type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Iowa type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Iowa type0.6785959668532228
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Iowa type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Italian type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Italian type0.6785959668532228
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Italian type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Flemish type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Flemish type0.6785959668532228
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Flemish type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that activate Alzheimer's amyloid precursorAPP_inhibitors1934001987Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Arctic type0.6785959668532228
Primary screen for compounds that inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (APP) translationAPP_inhibitors1937141590Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Arctic type0.6785959668532228
qHTS for compounds that reverse cellular toxicity of Amyloid beta (A-beta) peptide in yeast: Primary ScreenAPP_inhibitors404343257Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis, Arctic type0.6785959668532228
High-Throughput Screening for Modulators of Cytosolic Chaperonin ActivityMARVELD23622741085Rare genetic deafness0.5042649815265396
MITF Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 2084-01_Inhibitor_SinglePoint_HTS_ActivityMITF3313602760Rare genetic deafness0.54026439108845842
AlphaScreen-based biochemical high throughput primary assay to identify inhibitors of microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF)MITF inhibitors6423625830Rare genetic deafness0.54026439108845842
qHTS Assay for Identifying a Potential Treatment of Ataxia-TelangiectasiaATM_modulators322361619Ataxia-telangiectasia variant0.64558690605485111
Epi Absorbance-based biochemical primary high throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of human tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 (TDP2)TDP23699531241Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia-epilepsy-intellectual disability syndrome due to TUD deficiency0.71670796473916614
qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of the Six1/Eya2 InteractionSIX13640532026Branchio-otic syndrome0.890802361045508257

Some of these associations have also gone through clinical trials.

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